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Darwin's Toys

- Thanks for a wonderfully successful Kickstarter!

Empire Builder: Europe

The return of Darwin Bromley’s 1990 classic train game, Eurorails – with deluxe treatment!

The project is fully funded, so there will be an Empire Builder: Europe release next year, including a limited number of Deluxe Edition copies. 

The initial backing period is over, but it’s not too late to get in on the action!  The Pledge Manager will remain open for a few weeks to allow you to guarantee your copy of the Deluxe Edition.  Don’t miss out!

Find us at a Convention This Year

Darwin’s Toys would love to see you on our convention tour!

Events in 2025 include Origins, Gen Con and Railcon, plus several other conventions through the year.  You can pick up Express (regular or deluxe), Alibi, and Empire Builder series laminated maps, games and accessories as we have them available.  You will soon be able to pre-order copies of the new Empire Builder: Europe as well, for delivery later this year.  And we’re very excited for our next Kickstarter of Empire Builder: Ireland, also later this year.

Darwin’s Toys and our partners at Steve Jackson Games and Mayfair Games are proud sponsors of the Train Gamers Association (TGA). You can play our games and many other train games in the TGA area at many conventions around the country. If you are attending any of those events, come to the TGA area and ask for Jeff!

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